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Writer's picturefecaemoncton

Goldilocks & the three bears

Listen to one or all of these versions

Before listening to the story, talk about:

-The title and pictures you see.

“How many bears do you see?” “What do you think will happen in the story?”

-The author and what an author does (writes the story)

-The Illustrator and what an illustrator does (creates the pictures)

While the story is being read, pause the video in different places to discuss:

- What might happen next, what the children’s ideas are?

-Point to the different sizes of the bears: Papa Bear is big, Mama Bear is medium sized and Baby Bear is small as well as the bowls, the chairs and beds.

After the reading, more discussion –

-Who were the characters (people, animals) in the story?

-What was the problem? (Porridge too hot, chairs broken, someone in house)

-How did the problem get resolved? How did they fix it?

-Discuss the message that can be learned from this story: Should we or Goldilocks enter the house of a person without their permission or without being invited? Should we or Goldilocks touch and use their property?

-The Goldilocks story is perfect for introducing size concepts to children. Talk about small, medium, large. In the book, you will find a small bear, a medium bear, and a large bear. The bears have small, medium, and large voices as well as different sizes of bowls, chairs, and beds in their house.

Activities that can be done to further expand on the story

- Theatre Show is a great way to dramatize the story. Get ready some teddy bears or masks for the main characters and some props and you can have a theatre show right in your own home or backyard.

- Retell the story by recreating the main pictures from the story. Have the child draw, colour and cut out the pictures. Goldilocks, 3 bears, 3 bowls, 3 spoons, 3 chairs, 3 beds; making a small, medium, and large of each. You could also add magnetic strips on the back of each, and use a cookie sheet as a magnetic board to retell the story.

-OR make up a new story using these characters and items. What if the 3 Bears had not left the house? This is a great way to get your child to pretend and role play. They will have fun doing some of their own storytelling.

- Encouraging Awareness of Self and Environment by setting a table together. Dishes of different sizes, food, and cutlery. Set the table for eating, talk about placement of items (spoon beside the plate, cup above the spoon) …counting, sorting and talking about different sizes.

-Clapping game with a partner Pease Porridge Hot

Pease porridge hot

Pease porridge cold

Pease porridge in the pot

Nine days old.

Pease (clap both hands to thighs) porridge (clap own hands together) hot (clap partner's hands), Pease (clap both hands to thighs) porridge (clap own hands together) cold (clap partner's hands), Pease (clap thighs) porridge (clap own hands) in the (clap right hands only) pot (clap own hands), nine (clap left hands only) days (clap own hands) old (clap partner's hands).

- Lacing/Weaving for Fine Motor skills. Grasp the lace/string using the tripod grip (thumb, index and middle finger) and lace through the holes in no particular pattern. What kind of pattern can you make? Make your own at home – use cardboard or a plastic lid, hole punch and shoelaces or ribbon.

- Allow your child to learn about opposites such as hard, soft, cold, hot, rough, smooth, by using a sensory bin as a touch game. Fill a basket with objects of opposites, and watch how your child use her senses to differentiate the opposite properties. This is also a great sorting activity!

Check out some of the Sensory Bin ideas on the FECAE website.

Read Read Read and Have Fun!

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