Listen to a Read-Along of the book
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPrhpmBR9-o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOPaZc53zNU
Before listening to the story, talk about:
-The title and pictures you see. Who do you think took the Farmer’s Hat?
-The author and what an author does (writes the story)
-The Illustrator and what an illustrator does (creates the pictures)
While the story is being read, pause the video in different places to discuss what might happen next
- What animals do we see on a farm? What animal will use the hat next? What will they use it for?
- Have children discuss why the wind was able to carry the hat away. Are there other objects that the wind could/couldn't carry away? Discuss the wind being used for many things…kite flying, drying clothes, and windmill.
After the reading discuss…retell it…
- Can you remember all the animals that were in the story? What did each of the animals use the old hat for? Have you ever used a hat for something different? Have you ever used something for another purpose? Sock for a puppet…pot/bowls for drums.
- Farms have many different animals. Can you name some? Cows live on the farm…do you know what they produce?
- What else can you find on a farm? Vegetables and fruits are grown on farms. Can you name some vegetables, fruit? Where do you find vegetables and fruit? Talk about the produce we buy at supermarkets originally coming from farms and gardens. Do you have a garden? What would you plant in your garden?
Activities that can be done to further discuss the story.
- Use your imagination…The book helps us see that an object can be used for more than one thing. If given a small box, milk carton, paper cup, or empty food tin…what could you repurpose it into?
- Let’s get creative with paint. Instead of brushes or sponges, grab a carrot and potato…cut them in half and use the veggie as your painting tool. Use them as a stamp. Follow your child’s lead and talk about the prints. Can you make a pattern? What happens when you stamp a few times? What else could you use to paint/stamp?
- Have you ever milked a cow? Let’s pretend! You will need a rubber glove, elastic, bucket, and water. Fill the glove with water (or milk) and twist an elastic around the top so it holds the liquid without spilling. Put a tiny hole in the middle finger of the glove. By pulling down and squeezing gently at the same time, you will be “milking a cow”. Let the fun begin. Imagine how the farmer milks the cows. How long would that take?
- Butter! Do you know that we can make butter at home? Cows give us milk and we can make butter from milk (hint* using cream will create it much faster). Pour some cream in a jar, put the lid on tightly and hold the jar with two hands and shake, shake, shake. Keep shaking until the butter forms. Listen as the sound changes while you shake. Look at the changes. There will be a ball of butter and some skimmed milk. Drain the milk and use a knife or Popsicle stick to spread the butter on a cracker or bread. How does it Taste? How is it the same /different from the butter you usually eat?
- It’s always fun to have a sensory activity that allows children to get their hands on something. A farm themed sensory bin could include some hay, seeds, dried corn, bird seed, vegetable and fruit foam shapes, farm animals and people, and tractors. Explore how the farmers might use the tractor. Explore the hay/seeds/corn with a magnifying glass.
- What animal is missing? On a tray, place various farm animals (or just various items). Take turns removing one animal from the tray to see if the other person can remember what animal was removed. Too easy? Remove 2 animals…maybe even 3.

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